In-page Push
This ad format allows advertisers to send push-like notifications even when users are active on their websites

What is In-Page Push Advertising?

In-Page Push advertising is a form of digital marketing that allows advertisers to send notifications that appear directly on the users' web pages. Unlike traditional push notifications that require user consent to display, In-Page Push ads can appear regardless of user opt-in and irrespective of the website or platform they are browsing.

These ads resemble regular push notifications and can be used to display various types of content, such as promotional messages, product updates, or special offers. Because of their prominent display, In-Page Push ads can attract immediate user attention, potentially driving higher engagement and conversions.

Suitable Verticals for In-Page Push Advertising

Online retailers can use In-Page Push ads to draw attention to special offers, product launches, or discount sales, engaging users while they are actively browsing.

Media and Entertainment

Media outlets can leverage In-Page Push ads to highlight breaking news, promote new content, or announce upcoming events.

Travel and Hospitality

This sector can use In-Page Push ads to promote travel deals, hotel bookings, or destination highlights, captivating users during their online journey.

Finance and Banking

These sectors can use In-Page Push ads to announce new products, services, or updates to their customers while they are active online.

Health and Wellness

Health and wellness brands can use In-Page Push ads to promote wellness products, share health tips, or offer fitness challenges.

Suitable Verticals for In-Page Push Advertising

Online retailers can use In-Page Push ads to draw attention to special offers, product launches, or discount sales, engaging users while they are actively browsing.

Travel and Hospitality

This sector can use In-Page Push ads to promote travel deals, hotel bookings, or destination highlights, captivating users during their online journey.

Finance and Banking

These sectors can use In-Page Push ads to announce new products, services, or updates to their customers while they are active online.

Health and Wellness

Health and wellness brands can use In-Page Push ads to promote wellness products, share health tips, or offer fitness challenges.

Media and Entertainment

Media outlets can leverage In-Page Push ads to highlight breaking news, promote new content, or announce upcoming events.

Benefits of In-Page Push Advertising

and Attention

In-Page Push ads are displayed directly on the user's active web page, grabbing immediate attention.

No Opt-In

Unlike traditional push notifications, In-Page Push ads do not require user consent to display, increasing the potential reach of your ad.

Content Display

In-Page Push ads can display a variety of content, from text and images to interactive elements, providing flexible options for advertisers.

Potential for Increased Engagement

Given their prominent placement and instant visibility, In-Page Push ads can potentially drive higher user engagement and conversion rates.

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